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switch sampling中文是什么意思

用"switch sampling"造句"switch sampling"怎么读"switch sampling" in a sentence


  • 切换进样


  • Switcher sample demonstrates changing the renderer and visual styles for an application
  • Chapter two is data sample of system . it will discuss the data conversion theory , 24bit e - a data conversion , mux - channel switch sampling technology , and emc design . among them , we will introduce the principle and application of ads 1251 , application of photomos technology in mux - channel switch sampling , and emc design with hardware and software of gas feed controller , which has good performance in reliability
    第二章介绍系统的数据采集,该部分包括24bit -采样原理、多路信号切换采集技术和电磁兼容设计,其中,主要介绍了ads1251芯片的工作原理和应用, photomos技术在多路信号切换采样中的应用,以及配气控制器在硬件、软件等方面所做的电磁兼容设计,通过这些设计使得系统具有很好的稳定性和抗干扰性。
用"switch sampling"造句  
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